Ganesh's Story

A Sobering Transformation

I was born in Mumbai, India in 1984. Addiction has been in my family; my father is a heroin addict. I have witnessed and experienced a lot of struggles growing up. My grandfather, grandmother and mother raised me. I had a father figure always missing in my life growing up. I became a heroin addict at the age of 22, my problems became worse and everyone in my life who I loved the most became secondary. I went to any lengths to get my next high. I put my family into lots of problems and tensions. I started stealing to feed my addiction. I put my family into a lot of shame in our society.

As time passed, I was becoming more miserable, and my family decided to put me into treatment for drug addiction. I had been in about seven to eight treatment centers prior. Every time I came out of treatment and started using again, my life became more painful. My mother attempted suicide because of my addiction.

I was getting more hopeless every day and did not have any sort of solution. I thought changing countries would keep me sober or changing jobs or friends, but nothing would work. My family thought getting me married would help me stay sober. So, I got married!

I started my relationship with a lie, I told her that I did not have any addiction problems. My problems worsened after coming to Canada. I started doing more cocaine and the same cycle continued for eight more years. My wife and I had a daughter, but I was dead inside and had no feelings for anyone. I was putting my family in danger constantly. By this time, I wanted to stop desperately that I even attempted suicide. I thought killing myself would solve all my problems. 

However, God had different plans for me. I promised myself many times to quit drinking and doing drugs but was never able to do it. I was beaten, broken, and waiting to die every day. My daughter is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. She started getting scared of me. I was so defeated and hopeless and knew I was about to lose my family. On July 26, 2018, at four in the morning, I went to my wife and started crying and asked her for help. I said I would do anything this time to stay clean and sober. I had made this promise many times before, but this time I was so broken, I was serious about it. My wife gave me an ultimatum. She said that if I did not get better this time, she would leave me.

I was admitted to Simon House Recovery Centre where my recovery journey began. Coming to Simon House was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I was provided with learning tools on how to live a drug free life. I was happy for the first time in seventeen years. At Simon House I was introduced to the ‘12 steps’ which helped me change my life. I was told to get a sponsor and go through the steps. I am incredibly grateful, they have helped me find my higher power, God. Today God is doing for me what I could never do for myself. I am incredibly happy, peaceful, and serene inside.

My life today has meaning, purpose and my family has begun living again as the result of my sobriety. I continue to work on being a better husband, father, son, brother, and friend.

I thank God for everything I am blessed with today.

God is everything.

-Ganesh A

Simon House