Chris' Story

When I took my first drink and my first drug, I never realized where I was going to end up 26 years later. My addiction led me down a very dark path. I could never have imagined the places it would take me, the things I would do, or the things I ended up doing for my next fix. Really my story is one of it just hasn’t happened yet. All the lines in the sand I told myself I would never cross, well eventually, I crossed them. Addiction is cunning, baffling and truly powerful.

My journey to get and stay sober has been a long road to say the very least. I still remember my first fellowship meeting; sitting there while some of the members in the room shared. All the while, I was listening for all the differences between them and me so as to disqualify myself from being the true alcoholic/addict.

For the next ten years, I kept telling myself that if something horrible enough happened, I would be able to stop. But I continued on, losing everything worthwhile in my life, hitting rock bottom after rock bottom. Finally, I came to a point where I just couldn’t go on living the way I was and realized I was completely hopeless without help.

After making the decision to ask for help, I found myself walking into Simon House. This was my fourth time in treatment over the years. I entered with a new attitude and complete willingness to do whatever it took to recover from addiction. Simon House gave me the structure, discipline and safety I needed to start heading in the right direction for recovery.

Over the following months, I completed the recovery program at Simon House and went through my first set of steps with my sponsor. This allowed me to connect with my higher power and have the spiritual awakening which is essential for long-term recovery.

Today, I have a life I never thought was possible. I am rebuilding some of the relationships in my life and am capable of facing life on life’s terms. My life has some peace and serenity and I have found new meaning for my purpose in life; to help the next suffering alcoholic/addict.


Simon House