National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
Every year, National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (NDTR) acknowledges the tragic legacy of residential schools, the missing children, the families left behind, and the survivors of these institutions.
For the public, it offers an opportunity to learn about the pain suffered by Indigenous families and to acknowledge how the impact of residential schools continues to play out today. It’s also an opportunity to show support for a movement that aims to bring about healing and reconciliation for those effected.
Last month, Simon House Recovery Centre was proud to participate in local events supporting National Day for Truth & Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day. This included joining the Pokaiks Commemorative Walk, coordinated by Colouring it Forward Reconciliation Society at Prince’s Island Park.
Our team was inspired by the energy brought to light through this event. Thank you to all who helped organize!
Simon House staff member, Distance, speaks about his take away from National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
Simon House staff member, Kelsey, speaks about her take away from National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
Program Spotlight — Indigenous Family Reunification Program
The Indigenous Family Reunification Program (IFRP ) supports parents who are struggling with addiction, mental health, and trauma, as well as loss of culture and identity. This program is a component of our Indigenous programming currently in place. We return families as a whole back to their communities.
With over 40 years’ experience Alcove Recovery Centre has served mothers and children in their residential treatment program, Also, with over 40 years’ experience Simon House Recovery Centre has done the same with our clients. We are pleased that we are seeing continuous applications from families across the province for this unique program. This partnership utilizes over 80 years of experience with Mental Health and addiction.
Returning one parent clean and sober back to an environment where the other parent is in active addiction proves counterproductive. Our program works so each parent becomes whom they are meant to be, and as a result each child will have the support of healthy role models and parents, ending the cycle of intergenerational trauma and all its harmful effects.
To Learn More about NDTR, please visit:
· Government of Canada — Nation Day for Truth and Reconciliation
· Government of Canada — Understanding National Day for Truth and Reconciliation