I’m Thankful for Toilet Paper!

If you’ve been to Simon House recently, you might have seen something new in the main foyer. It is a “Wall of Gratitude.” I love what our clients put on these 3x5 cards. Most of them start by saying, “I’m grateful for...”. Clients have put things on the cards related to staff, the brotherhood, family, sobriety, a new chance at life, health, warm weather, a higher power, and so on. One of these, which recently caught my eye, said, “I’m grateful for toilet paper.”

At first, I thought it was someone just being a joker, but then I stopped to reflect. All of us have basic needs. We need food, shelter, community, love, and yes, toilet paper. I have no idea who put the 3x5 toilet paper card on the wall. What I do know is that my homeless friends who sleep rough in parks, under bridges, and in doorways often try to find a roll of toilet paper to keep in their bag or shopping cart. 

I have been fortunate to live in several different countries, and in first world countries I have never thought about toilet paper. It is always available. It is in washrooms and stores. We did have a mini-crisis in Canada when COVID-19 hit that caused people to hoard toilet paper, but that was soon resolved. In the third world, I have been to places where you have to pay an attendant for pieces of toilet paper as none is available in the washroom stalls. If you return, the attendant will remember how well you tipped them and treat you accordingly. 

Often, in the business of life, we forget to pause and think about the things for which we are grateful. We forget to say thank you when we are served in a store. We forget to tell teachers and counsellors that they are appreciated. We forget to thank our Creator for life and the things that sustain us. 

I’m thankful for so many things. When I’m done writing this newsletter piece, I’m going to make a list. My family and all of you will be on it. My heart surgeon will be on it. The fact that I live in Canada will be on it. And so will toilet paper. 

Dr. John R.

— President & CEO

Simon House