Michael's Story

For years I was consumed by my addiction to drugs and alcohol. It started like many others and over the years it rapidly became worse. It reached the point where it was all I cared about, the next buzz and the next high. It wasn’t until the last two years of my addiction that I started to hit rock bottom … I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

Hitting my bottom made me realize that I needed help. Serious injury or death was upon me, and a change was necessary to stay alive. A friend told me about Simon House, and it became the light at the end of the tunnel. At Simon House, I was able to bring structure, responsibility and accountability back into my life all while doing the steps of A.A. and becoming aware of my Higher Power’s existence in my life.

I owe my life to this house and will be eternally grateful for its program, staff, and councillors. I cannot thank them enough for everything that they have done, they have brought me out of the darkness and into the light and back with my family. 

- Michael



Simon House